Professional journalist – specialist content

Andy Russell Media is run by a professional journalist who has been telling stories and creating content for 40 years.

He produces bespoke editorial, for example stories, blogs, pictures, videos, to promote businesses. This material is quality content for websites, social media and print. Andy also offers general copywriting, such as press releases, and proofing services.

Traditional  adverts are often no longer enough to drive sales. Today’s customers don’t just want to know not just what to buy. They need to find out why, how, where and when.

Businesses therefore need relevant web content to entice potential customers. Getting your message to the right people, your target market, helps boost profile, image and sales of products and services..

Potential customers may not be aware your business, products or services even exist, let alone why they need them for their lifestyle.

Potential customers are now savvy and do some homework about services and products. They want to be educated and entertained specifically with expert advice, knowledge and experience.

It all helps to enrich the buying process and encourage people to come back. Get it right and, without a doubt, it will help build repeat business, brand loyalty and referrals.

While adverts on their own are often no longer enough to encourage an audience to close a sale, buy a service, but knowledge and guidance undoubtedly do. So it is most important you give expert advice.

Customers easily and quickly find solutions to their needs and questions via computers, tablets and mobile phones. They search, research, review, recommend and often rely on the experience. Therefore they need to learn from your expertise.

Specialist content informs, intrigues and invites people to buy into your business. It is a key way to get your message to relevant people across a range of online platforms.

Professional journalist

Andy Russell Media, professional journalist – a way with words to get your message out to your market.

Get in touch

Every business has different needs and priorities, so we develop personalised editorial plans for each client. This results in the maximum exposure while ensuring that content remains relevant.

Call me for your personalised editorial content plan