Editorial services

Do you know what your business message is but don’t know how to say it? How Andy Russell Media editorial services can help:

Bespoke editorial services

A qualified, professional journalist, Andy Russell has nearly 40 years of experience finding newsworthy stories. Working with big and small companies, he can promote their business and products, getting their message across to relevant audiences. As well as copywriting, he offers a full range of editorial services, including proof-reading for other material you produce.

Orwell Motorcycles - Editorials Services Clients
Dave Willis and Rob Walters are building a biking community at Orwell Motorcycles, Ipswich.

Driving web traffic and site visits

Product previews and reviews, road tests, video content and business, staff, services and product profiles.

A specialist motoring journalist for 29 years, he has a broad understanding of the automotive industry. Content about cars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles and garage services can be geared to your customers’ need. As a result, it highlights your business as the solution to their needs, and why you should be their first port of call.

Spreading the word

Do you ever tell people about your business success? Awards you have won. Your latest services. New members of staff or products. Plans for expanding the business in the future?

Showing your business in the best light helps build your reputation. It also promotes customer loyalty by keeping them in the loop.

Consequently, I can create newsworthy, topical press releases, marketing material, features and pictures. They make great web content and social media messages to drive people to your site to find out more. Likewise, they can also be used in other publications and media to promote your business.

Customer testimonials

Satisfied customers are key to your success because their personal experiences help sway potential clients. It is certainly accepted that others will probably follow their lead and choose to use your services and products.

Andy Russell Media can help package your customer reviews and testimonials. Using words, pictures and even video soundbites, referrals promote your business services. Recommendations from happy customers speak volumes about your business. Andy Russell Media can highlight your great customer service even more with testimonials and experience statements.

editorial services testimonials
Neville Branch, of Prestige Car Repairs at Ipswich, takes pride in his customer service.


A website is a shop window for a business. Hence you need to keep it up to date with fresh content because it keeps it entertaining and visible. Therefore visitors stay engaged and keep coming back to find out more.

Andy Russell Media can create regular, timely web content updates to keep your website topical and visible on Google searches.
Furthermore, this can be geared to seasons, relevant and related subjects and market trends. And, similarly, quality, educational content marketing is a key element of social media campaigns to drive traffic to your website.


You know what you want to say but are lost for words or don’t have the time? Let Andy Russell Media find your way with words with a regular blog-writing service.

Blogs are one of the easiest ways to create regular updated web content. Above all, they are topical, educational and entertaining and provide a solution for people’s needs and questions.

They can promote products and services, build your customer community and increase awareness. Furthermore, they make good subjects for social media posts with calls to action and eye-catching images.


Newsletters make customers feel special and part of your business. Tell them about your plans and initiatives, new services and products, special offers and exclusive events. You may start with the best of intentions but, due to time and work pressures, struggle to fit everything in. Brief Andy Russell Media and let him report your exciting news stories.

Online help

Creating websites, redesigns and improving site performance and visibility.

Topic modelling and SEO for content and websites.

Social media scheduling, automatic posting working on key platforms relevant to your message, post and audience.

Get in touch for editorial services

Every business has different needs and priorities, so we develop a personalised editorial services plan for each client. This results in the maximum exposure while ensuring that content remains relevant.

Call me for your personalised editorial content plan